
Alert rules

1.405s ago


Rule State Error Last Evaluation Evaluation Time
alert: InstanceDown expr: up == 0 for: 15s labels: severity: critical annotations: description: '{{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} has been down for more than 1 minute.' title: Instance {{ $labels.instance }} down ok 1.405s ago 235us
alert: HostOutOfMemory expr: node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes * 100 < 25 for: 15s labels: severity: warning annotations: description: 'Node memory is filling up (< 25% left)\n VALUE = {{ $value }}\n LABELS: {{ $labels }}' title: Host out of memory (instance {{ $labels.instance }}) ok 1.405s ago 204.3us
alert: HostHighCpuLoad expr: avg(irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="idle"}[1m]) * 100) < 50 for: 15s labels: severity: warning annotations: description: '{{ $labels.instance }} has a average CPU idle (current value: {{ $value }}s)' summary: High usage on {{ $labels.instance }} ok 1.405s ago 315.7us
alert: HostOutOfDiskSpace expr: (node_filesystem_avail_bytes * 100) / node_filesystem_size_bytes < 10 and on(instance, device, mountpoint) node_filesystem_readonly == 0 for: 2m labels: severity: warning annotations: description: Disk is almost full (< 10% left) summary: Host out of disk space (instance {{ $labels.instance }}) value: '{{ $value }}' ok 1.405s ago 431.5us